Friday 1 March 2013

vidyamandir classes…a heads up for everyone!

Hi everyone,
To start off, my name is Harshyt Goel, and as the title suggests, i’m a regular batch student of the coveted Vidyamandir Classes(abbreviated to VMC) for IIT-Jee Preparation. Since getting admission here is regarded as pretty hard to get into, so i thought i’d start this blog, to let everyone know what you have to do and necessarily donot have to do, to get yourself in shape so as to get(and deserve) admission.
Now you may notice that i talk in a way that says that VM is a privelidge instead of a right, well….the reason for that is that it is…lol. I must admit before i got in here i was amazed by their reputation and had heard they had their own  style of teaching. And i’m happy to say that i wasn’t dissapointed one bit. The approach to their teaching is exemplary of how it should be, meaning, we learn everything as if we created it. I mean, “Newton’s laws of Motion”??…Na, it’s “Harshyt’s Laws of motion”. Really, having experienced their system of teaching makes me believe that theirs absolutely no way that i won’t clear the JEE with a great rank. And i firmly believe that their style of teaching is way way..more superior to that followed in as per example bansal classes, Sweat slog shops(It’s only an opinion, no offence meant to bansal students at all, after all, some of my Best friends are there ;-) ).But really, i shouldn’t be saying this, you should experience it for yourself. The reason, i made this blog now was that i noticed after my last class that the admission forms were about be given out.
If anyone has any question or queries, don’t be hesitrant to ask me in the Comments. Or if it’s a particularly long, pointless and no matter how stupid or you just don’t want to ask in public, fire me a mail at -
wiith the Subject- VMC query

I’ll be posting tips and the correct way to study so as to clear the VM entrance or IIt-Jee as a whole for that matter…
See ya(Btw…if anyone is offended by my crude language and use of swears(which i havn’t used till now, but i most probably will…), sry i cant do much about that ;) , hey i’m a teen for god’s sakes)
Harshyt Goel

(P.S.- A quick tip as i leave, the CBSE board sucks…never consider your performance based on ur F*CKED up Board scores because they DONT mean a thing, if you scored high in ur boards, it doesn’t mean that you’re smart, it just means that you wasted a lot of time memorising junk, with no payback whatsoever. Wethter if you REALLY are capable, it is to be seen, but believe me, Those Shitty Exams aren’t worth a penny. I’ll elaborate a lot over this topic as it’s extremely VITAL in your JEE Preparation. Lol, i scored 96.4% in them and i didn’t study a bit, how?, i don’t care, it would have been the same if it had been 69.4%, really, they don’t mean a thing, trust me)
(P.S.S – WTF! I should be studying not posting, see ta ;) )

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