Friday 1 March 2013

Tricks to Solve Multiple Choice Questions in IIT JEE

Tricks for IIT JEE PreparationsPreparing for multiple choice exam like of IIT JEE that determines admissions to IIT’srequires special guidelines. Multiple choice questions in IIT JEE Entrance exam asks the students to choose the correct answer among a set of options rather than getting the correct answers entirely from the students mind.Students commonly considermultiple choice exams to be easier than the essay exams as the correct answer is guaranteed.Despite this factor and IIT JEE Syllabus to be boundless, Multiple choice exams can be difficult where the students should be aware of the details of the topicthey study and the choices will seem so familiar to each other to confuse the decision.

Here we have some Tricks to apply while you solve Multiple Choice Questions :

* Read the question completely.Do not jump to the answer after reading only a part of the question.
* Identify the important part of the question and apply your subject knowledge.Get an understanding of that vital part of the question before looking at the given answers.Think of the correct answer and then look for it among the alternatives.
* You should mark the best answer, so Don’t guess too soon !! Read all the options carefully and do not stop half way at one that seems likely.
* Select technically correct and complete answers since inclusive statements like” all of the above “ or ” none of the above “ in the options tend to be correct more often.
*  If you are not certain of an answer, then Take a Guess !! Eliminate some choices that are incorrect and relate the alternatives that are left with the question to see which fits in.Narrow down your choices to one or two alternatives and compare them to see how they differ and then make a Wise choice.
* Look at the question grammatically. This might also give you the answer. Look for        ‘ a ‘,’an’ and ‘the’ to help you fix the right choice.
Avoid changing your answers, Usually your first answer will always be right.
* If the question is not known or is taking time, go for the next one. Come back to it once your done with the known once.
* Know your subject well i.e know the terminologies. Sometimes the meaning of the terms help you get the correct answer.
* In case of IIT JEE, a wrong answer is awarded with negative marks.So never take a chance of answering those you are not sure off to be penalized for it.
These tricks apply for both Online or Offline IIT JEE exams.Students should make sure that you are confident and stress free before entering the IIT JEE Exam Center.Loss of concentration can make you choose the wrong answer, So don’t let that happen.becareful while you bubble your choice, in case of Offline mode of IIT JEE exams.There are chances of you bubbling the wrong option in spite of knowing the correct answer.Keep your preparation for IIT JEE ON using these 

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